

Uploadium provides effortless uploads for web developers. Upload files with a single action to the right folder on the right server - no logging in or navigating through server folders. Drop files on the menu bar icon, or upload from within any app with a global hotkey - or upload from the Terminal command line. Uploadium stays out of the way, running as a menu bar app, but is always there when you need it.


Upload Images From My Phone

You might have seen other menu bar upload apps that just dump all your files in one folder on one server. Uploadium is way better than that. It respects your files structure, and uploads files to the right subfolders on the server, making it ideal for web developers (and anyone else who maintains a file structure on a server).

Description: Your Place. You can even make new friends. LINK #1 vSide Beta 13e LINK #2 vSide Beta 13e. Uploadium is an uploader tool that can be configured to work with any server that provides support for the SFTP protocol. The utility resides in the status bar, but also sports a system-wide hotkey.

How It Works
Upload images for link


  • Tell Uploadium about a web site folder on your Mac.
  • Enter the server details for the web site, just once. Uploadium supports SFTP.
  • When you upload a file, Uploadium works out where it belongs in your folder structure, and puts it in the right folder on the server.
  • You can upload by dropping files on the menu bar icon, from Terminal, or using a keyboard shortcut.
  • Of course, you can upload multiple files and whole folders.

The published price is the cost per year.