Minecraft Server


Powerful game server hosting for serious gamers. Try our free plan before deciding. Up and running in 55 seconds. Join a Java Edition Minecraft server that fits your gameplay. Community members host Java Edition servers for PvP, SMP, Creative, mini-games and more.

0 / 100 Online: Creative Economy Hardcore Minigames PvE PvP Skyblock Spigot Survival: 382: Quadtrax Minecraft Flat. A Minecraft Server: This is the message that is displayed in the server list of the client, below the name. The MOTD supports color and formatting codes. The MOTD supports special characters, such as '♥'. However, such characters must be converted to escaped Unicode form. An online converter can be found here. Launching Minecraft Server. Create a folder and copy the minecraft server jar in it. In the actual version you will get this exception syscall epollcreate not implemented if you run the server in the usual way, so we add this line to the command to fix that -Djava.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider=sun.nio.ch.PollSelectorProvider.

Minecraft - Overview

In 2011 one of the most popular video games was released: Minecraft.

Minecraft Server List


It was developed by the Swedish company Mojang and has been sold more than 176 million times. Today Minecraft counts more than 112 million monthly active players.

As the game is fully customizable, hosting your own Minecraft Instance will provide you with full freedom to modify the gameplay towards your own preferences.

This Minecraft tutorial provides you information about the following topics:

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a video game that allows players to build a 3-dimensional world using a variety of different blocks. A task that requires creativity from the players who are able to design and build their own virtual world. Nearly every block in Minecraft can be broken down by mining and the be collected. These broken down pieces can then be collected. These pieces can then be assembled to create new items. The currently available Java Edition of the game allows players to customize the game with mods towards their own preferences allowing them to create new gameplay mechanics, items, textures and assets.

As there is no specific goal to accomplish, there is no given way on how to play Minecraft. Players can achieve anything they want by themselves.

However, some pre-defined game modes are available:

  • Creative Mode, which allows players to build whatever they can imagine from the limitless resources that are given to them.
  • Survial Mode, where players have to gather natural resources such as wood and stone by exploring the world. Players also need to build a house to protect themselves against enemies and source food to survive.

The game supports Multiplayer mode, enabling multiple players to interact and communicate with each other on a single world. Player can either connect to one of the publicly available worlds or build their own world with their friends by using a private Minecraft server.

Why Should I Run My Own Minecraft Server?

When you play Minecraft out of the box, the extent of your play is limited. You are bound to the rules of the world you are playing in.

By setting up your own Minecraft server, you can set the rules of the game - and invite all of your friends to play with you. You will be able to install all the mods you want and customize your world with elements that were not originally available when the game was programmed.

The Minecraft server is a Java application and runs perfectly on Scaleway Elements Virtual Instances, allowing you to deploy your own Minecraft Instance in just a few minutes.

How Can I Create My Own Minecraft Server?


  • You have an account and are logged into console.scaleway.com
  • You have configured your SSH Key
  • You have a Virtual Instance running on Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (18.04).
  • You have sudo privileges or access to the root user.
  • You have a copy of the Minecraft Game client for your local computer

Photo app for mac free. Deploying your own Minecraft server can be done in a few easy steps on a Scaleway Elements Developent Instance. In case you do not have a Virtual Instance yet, start by deploying your first instance.

1 . Connect to your Virtual Instance using SSH.

2 . Update the apt packet cache and upgrade the software already installed on the instance:

3 . Install OpenJDK, an open-source implementation of the Java Platform and the GNU Screen package.

4 . Create a new minecraft user under which the Minecraft server application will run:

Enter the users new password, the password confirmation and the user details when prompted.

5 . Switch into the minecraft user account:

6 . Change into the users home directory:

7 . Download the Minecraft server application by using wget. The link for the latest version of the application is available directly on the Minecraft Server website:

8 . Run the Minecraft server application with the following command:

Important: The flax -Xms and -Xmx define the minimum and maximum amount of RAM that can be used by the Minecraft server application. You may adjust these values to your needs. For best performances, it is recommended to leave the minimum value at 1024M.

Minecraft Server Hosting Free

9 . During the first run, the application creates a file eula.txt. Open the file in a text editor (for example nano) and change the value of eula from false to true:

Then save the file by pressing on CTRL+O and exit nano by pressing CTRL+X.

10 . Create a new screen to run the minecraft application in:

Minecraft Server

11 . Re-run the Minecraft server application:

The following output informs you that the Minecraft server application is running:

12 . Once the application is running, move the screen in the background by pressing CTRL+a followed by d. The session is being moved to the background. To resume the running session use the command screen -r.

13 . You can now log off your Virtual Instance and start configuring your Minecraft client.

Minecraft Server Ip

Note: The Minecraft server created above uses the standard settings. If you want to create a new world, modify the level-name directive in the server.properties file as well as other settings accordingly. For more information refer to the official documentation.

How Can I Connect to My Own Minecraft Server?

When your server is up and running, connect it to the Minecraft game client.

1 . Download and launch the Minecraft client on your local computer.

2 . After logging into your Minecraft account, click on the Multiplayer button.

3 . Click on Add Server and enter a name for your server and the public IP address of your Virtual Instance.

4 . Your server is now listed in the servers list. Click on the server and then Join Server to connect to it.


5 . Congratulations! You are now connected to your own Minecraft server: