Flutter Markdown. A markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the original format, but no inline html. Getting Started. Using the Markdown widget is simple, just pass in the source markdown as a string: new Markdown(data: markdownSource); If you do not want the padding or scrolling behavior, use the MarkdownBody instead. NOTE: We don't need to add the Flutter dependency because we generated this with the Flutter SDK dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter fluttermarkdown: ^0.3.3. Once you've done this, save the file. If your environment doesn't run flutter pub get by default, run this inside of your terminal from within the mychangelog directory. Syntax-highlighter for fluttermarkdown (adopted from fluttergallery) - syntaxhighlighter.dart.
![Flutter Markdown Flutter Markdown](https://www.geekinsta.com/content/images/2020/06/how-to-export-ghost-posts-to-markdown.png)
A simple and easy-to-use markdown package created by flutter.
- Support TOC
- Support img and Video Tags of HTML
- Support highlight code
🚀Getting Started #
Before the introduction, you can have a try for Online Demo
![Flutter Markdown Flutter Markdown](https://i0.wp.com/freefluttersource.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Flutter-Markdown.jpg)
🔑Useage #
if you want to use column or other list widget, you can use MarkdownGenerator
🌠Dark theme #
supports dark mode by default,you can use it by setting the markdownTheme
of StyleConfig
you can also custom your own markdownTheme
🏞Image and Video #
![Markdown rendering Markdown rendering](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6308118/88436807-56183d00-cdc2-11ea-8c3d-49526b216caa.gif)
if you want to custom a widget, such as img and video:
supported markdown samples:
if you want to custom other tag widgets, you need use WidgetConfig
Flutter Markdown Body
🔗Links #
you can custom link style
🍑Custom Tag #
you can use custom tag like this
then add custom
like this
![Flutter Markdown Flutter Markdown](https://flutterawesome.com/content/images/2020/02/image1.png)
📜TOC #
it's very easy to use TOC
🎈Highlight code #
you can config lots of theme for code
if you have any good idea or sugesstion, welcome for PR and issue
Pandoc Markdown Link
Here are the other packages used in markdown_widget
package | explain |
markdown | parse markdown data |
flutter_highlight | make code highlight |
html | parse html data |
video_player_web | play video in flutter web |
video_player | video interface |
scrollable_positioned_list | for TOC function |