Flutter Markdown


Flutter Markdown. A markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the original format, but no inline html. Getting Started. Using the Markdown widget is simple, just pass in the source markdown as a string: new Markdown(data: markdownSource); If you do not want the padding or scrolling behavior, use the MarkdownBody instead. NOTE: We don't need to add the Flutter dependency because we generated this with the Flutter SDK dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter fluttermarkdown: ^0.3.3. Once you've done this, save the file. If your environment doesn't run flutter pub get by default, run this inside of your terminal from within the mychangelog directory. Syntax-highlighter for fluttermarkdown (adopted from fluttergallery) - syntaxhighlighter.dart.

Flutter Markdown


A simple and easy-to-use markdown package created by flutter.

  • Support TOC
  • Support img and Video Tags of HTML
  • Support highlight code

🚀Getting Started #

Before the introduction, you can have a try for Online Demo

Flutter Markdown

🔑Useage #

if you want to use column or other list widget, you can use MarkdownGenerator

🌠Dark theme #

markdown_widget supports dark mode by default,you can use it by setting the markdownTheme of StyleConfig

you can also custom your own markdownTheme

🏞Image and Video #

Markdown rendering

if you want to custom a widget, such as img and video:

supported markdown samples:

if you want to custom other tag widgets, you need use WidgetConfig

Flutter Markdown Body

🔗Links #

you can custom link style

🍑Custom Tag #

you can use custom tag like this

then add custom like this

Flutter Markdown

📜TOC #

it's very easy to use TOC

🎈Highlight code #

you can config lots of theme for code

if you have any good idea or sugesstion, welcome for PR and issue

Here are the other packages used in markdown_widget

markdownparse markdown data
flutter_highlightmake code highlight
htmlparse html data
video_player_webplay video in flutter web
video_playervideo interface
scrollable_positioned_listfor TOC function